Aspidistra elatior
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Kukoricalevél (Aspidistra elatior) gondozása - aspidistra elatior. A kukoricalevél (Aspidistra elatior) bemutatása, gondozása. A kukoricalevél ( Aspidistra elatior ) Japánból származik a liliomfélék közé tartozó meglehetősen igénytelen szobanövény. Zöld vagy mintás, hosszú lándzsa alakú leveleivel, valamint a talajhoz közel fejlődő lilásbarna, csillag alakú virágaival díszít.. Kukoricalevél (Aspidistra elatior) gondozása, ápolása - Virágbarát. Az Aspidistra elatior, közismertebb nevén kukoricalevél, egy igazán különleges növény, amelyet sok kertész szeret gondozni otthonában. Ez a növény egzotikus megjelenésével és könnyen kezelhető tulajdonságaival lenyűgözi az embereket.. Aspidistra elatior - Wikipedia aspidistra elatior. Aspidistra elatior, the cast-iron-plant or bar-room plant, also known in Japanese as haran or baran (葉蘭) is a species of flowering plant in the family Asparagaceae, native to Japan and Taiwan. Tolerant of neglect, it is widely cultivated as a houseplant , but can also be grown outside in shade where temperatures remain above −5 °C (23 °F).. Közönséges Kukoricalevél (Aspidistra elatior) gondozása, szaporítása . aspidistra elatior. (Aspidistra elatior) Ez a Japánban, Kínában és Tajvanon őshonos, rizómával terjedő örökzöld dísznövény kifejezetten jól viseli a mostoha körülményeket, s igen szép díszt ad még kifejezetten fényszegény, száraz levegőjű szobákban is. aspidistra elatior. A kukoricalevél (Aspidistra elatior) gondozása, szaporítása egyszerűen. Kukoricalevél gondozása, szaporítása. 2021.10.05. Réka. A kukoricalevél ( Aspidistra elatior) olyan ellenálló növény, hogy nem kell azon töprengenünk, hol tartsuk. A szoba sötétebb sarkában, a lápcsőházban és az erkélyen egyaránt jól fejlődik.. Közönséges Kukoricalevél (Aspidistra elatior) ültetése, gondozása .. A közönséges kukoricalevél (Aspidistra elatior) egy általában egészséges és ellenálló növény, de időnként különböző betegségekkel és kártevőkkel szembesülhet. Ismerjük meg néhány gyakori problémát, amelyek befolyásolhatják ezt a növényt!
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. Kukoricalevél (Aspidistra elatior) - Virágdíszek - Szobanövény. Kukoricalevél (Aspidistra elatior) A kukoricalevél (Aspidistra elatior)a liliomfélék családjába tartozik, vélhetően Japánból származó növény aspidistra elatior. Jó ellenállóképességű, növény. A levelei lassan nőnek és sokáig élnek. aspidistra elatior. Aspidistra Elatior (Cast Iron Plant) Guide | Our House Plants. Aspidistra elatior or the Cast Iron Plant belongs to the lily family and is native to China and Japan. Once a very popular houseplant, it was a common feature of many a Victorian hallway aspidistra elatior. Although its popularity has faded slightly since this period and is now much less common in modern homes, its still a wonderful indoor plant to own.. Aspidistra elatior | BBC Gardeners World Magazine. Dappled shade, partial shade. Aspidistra elatior is also known as the cast iron plant - an apt description as it really does have a cast-iron constitution. It was a popular houseplant in Victorian times as it could withstand fumes from coal fires and gas lamps and can cope with gloomy conditions.. Aspidistra elatior - Kukoricalevél - Cast-Iron Plant - Officenövény. Leírás. A kukoricalevél ( latin neve: Aspidistra elatior) Japánból származik
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Meglehetősen igénytelen szobanövény. Elviseli a rövidebb ideig tartó szárazságot, huzatot, meleget, és a hideget is. Óvd a tűző naptól, télen pedig ha lehetőség van rá, 15 fok körüli hőmérséklet mellett teleltesd.. How to Grow and Care for Cast-Iron Plant - The Spruce. The cast-iron plant ( Aspidistra elatior) has earned its reputation as a hard-to-kill houseplant, along with being a beautiful outdoor foliage plant within its growing zones. Its also one of the easiest plants to care for and it purifies the air.. Cast Iron Plant: A Lush Plant That Lasts For Decades aspidistra elatior. If youre looking for a hardy and forgiving houseplant, then look no further. Meet the cast iron plant, Aspidistra elatior! Also called the bar room plant, this plant has a long and storied history aspidistra elatior. This plant has been in cultivation since the early Victorian era as a houseplant.. Aspidistra elatior - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox. Aspidistra Species: elatior Family: Asparagaceae Life Cycle: Perennial Dimensions: Height: 1 ft. 0 in. - 3 ft. 0 in. Width: 1 ft aspidistra elatior. 0 in. - 3 ft. 0 inangol dátum írása
. Whole Plant Traits: Plant Type: Ground Cover Herbaceous Perennial Perennial Woody Plant Leaf Characteristics: Broadleaf Evergreen Habit/Form: Clumping Erect Spreading Growth Rate: Slow Maintenance . aspidistra elatior. Aspidistra elatior - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden. Aspidistra elatior, commonly called cast iron plant for its ability to survive significant cultural abuse, is native to China and Japan. It is an easily-maintained, stemless, evergreen foliage plant that typically grows to 3 tall.. Kukoricalevél, aszpidisztra - Oázis Kertészet. Kukoricalevél, aszpidisztra (Aspidistra elatior (Plectogyne elatior)) Az egyik legigénytelenebb szobanövényeink egyike. A hűvös, sötét helyen végzett túlöntözés kivételével szinte semmi sem tudja elpusztítani aspidistra elatior. A legszebben azonban akkor fejlődik, ha télen hűvösebb helyen tarjuk.Felhasználása tágas, napos, egyenletesen .. How to Grow and Care for Cast Iron Plants (Aspidistra Elatior). Aspidistra elatior. Cast-iron plant might sound like a strange name for a tropical evergreen, but once you realize how exceptionally tough this plant is, youll understand the label. Aspidistra elatior is incredibly tolerant of neglect. aspidistra elatior. Search for advice details & tips on garden & indoor plants | Plant .. How to grow Cultivation. Grow in humus-rich, moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil. A cool, sheltered site in partial shade is ideal; in very cold areas apply a deep winter mulch.If growing from a tuber, plant 15cm deep. How to Grow and Care for Cast Iron Plant, Aspidistra elatior Flower .. scientific name: Aspidistra elatior; growth: slowly growing, ever-green, perennial, enduring, herbaceous; height: 50 - 70 cm; leaves: dark green, sometimes light vertical stripes, elongated, stalked, up to 70cm long; heyday: autumn; blossom: violet-brownish, close to the ground, quite rare; Aspidistra originally comes from the forests of .. NParks | Aspidistra elatior - National Parks Board. It is a stemless, evergreen foliage plant which grows upright to 1 m tall. Foliage. Leaves are lanceolate, glossy, dark green, slightly leathery, petiole 5 - 35 cm long and stiff. Stems
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. Rhizomes, about 5 - 10 mm thick. Flowers. Solitary, perianth purple to dark-purple, sometimes pink, bell-shaped
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. Habitat. aspidistra elatior. Our COMPLETE Guide for Cast Iron Plants (Aspidistra) - ukhouseplants aspidistra elatior. Aspidistra elatior Contents Top Tips Location, Water, Humidity & Fertilisation Common Issues Origins, Temperature, Propagation, Repotting & Toxicity aspidistra elatior. Need the answer to a specific plant query? Book a 1-to-1 video call with Joe Bagley, the websites friendly author, to overcome and address your niggling problem!. Aspidistra Elatior (Cast Iron) Plant Care: Beginners Guide. Aspidistra elatior grows natively in Taiwan and Japan. Common names: Cast Iron, Iron plant, Bar room: Growing Zones: USDA Hardiness Zones 6 through 11 are suitable for growing cast-iron plants. These plants thrive in climates like northern California or the southern United States, where daily temperatures range from 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.. Aspidistra: cast-iron plant care & propagation - Plantura. It belongs to the asparagus family, Asparagaceae, and comprises about 140 species, of which only a few can be kept as houseplants aspidistra elatior. The best known is probably Aspidistra elatior. Aspidistra are commonly known as cast-iron plants as they are very robust and easy to care for. They are considered virtually indestructible!. Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra Elatior) Growing Guide : AGT. Aspidistra Elatior Okame. With its stunningly painted leaves, this Aspidistra has streaks of white running through the leaves like ribbons of colour. Okame literally translates as tortoise but is also the name of the female half of the traditional Japanese theatre mask pair which has two names, Otafuku and Okame. aspidistra elatior. Aspidistra : culture, entretien, espèces - Gerbeaud. Le genre Aspidistra compte environ 200 espèces, dont : Aspidistra eliator: feuillage vert luisant et dense, port régulier. Cest lespèce la plus rustique, supporte jusquà -15°C. ; Aspidistra eliator Variegata : feuillage strié de crème, très lumineux ; Aspidistra elatior Spek-tacular : feuillage vert vif, moucheté ;. ハラン (植物) - Wikipedia aspidistra elatior. ハラン(葉蘭)、バラン(馬蘭) aspidistra elatior. 英名. cast-iron plant. ハラン (葉蘭、 学名: Aspidistra elatior Blume, 1834)とは、 スズラン亜科 キジカクシ科 (クサスギカズラ 科) ハラン属 の 常緑 多年草 で、巨大な 葉 を地表に立てる植物である。. 古名は 馬蘭 (バラン) [2] 。.. Easy Guide to Cast Iron Plant Care (Aspidistra)—The Indestructible .. Aspidistra elatior Akebono (or Zebra): Subtle yellow striping on the leaves. Aspidistra elatior Variegata: Beautiful cream-colored bands of variegation aspidistra elatior
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terasz fából
. Aspidistra elatior Okame: Sometimes considered just a synonym for Variegata, but other growers insist this one is smaller and more compact.. Aspidistra Species, Cast Iron Plant - Daves Garden. poeciliopsis. Central Phoenix -- Aspidistra elatior is not a plant that would spring to mind when you think of things to grow in the desert. However, .Read More. As others have said, this is one great, tough and decorative plant. Six stars for this plant outdoors or indoors.. Aspidistra elatior Aspidistra, Cast Iron Plant PFAF Plant Database aspidistra elatior. Aspidistra elatior is an evergreen Perennial growing to 0.6 m (2ft) by 0.5 m (1ft 8in) at a slow rate. See above for USDA hardiness. It is hardy to UK zone 7 aspidistra elatior. It is in leaf all year, in flower from January to April. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Slugs, snails. Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils, prefers well . aspidistra elatior. The Cast Iron Plant: Easy Plant Care Guide To Aspidistra Elatior aspidistra elatior. Aspidistra elatior, or the cast iron plant, originated in China and Vietnam. It built up the tolerance to poor conditions that its now known for by growing under the shade of larger trees, making . aspidistra elatior
Cast Iron Plant - The Cast Iron Plant, scientifically known as Aspidistra elatior, is a hardy and versatile evergreen plant that has long been cherished for its resilience and low-maintenance nature.Native to the lush woodlands of Japan and Taiwan, this plant is well-suited to both indoor and outdoor environments, making it a popular choice for gardeners and houseplant enthusiasts alike.. 9 Common Cast Iron Plant Pests and Diseases (and How to Deal With Them). Also known as bar room plants, cast iron plants (Aspidistra elatior) are considered tough, low-maintenance houseplants. Although these plants can survive a lot of neglect, in my experience, they are still vulnerable to some pests and diseases aspidistra elatior. In this article, Ill look at some of the most common cast iron plant pests and diseases and how to . aspidistra elatior. Houseplant Mastery: Growing and Caring for Cast Iron Plants (Aspidistra .. Aspidistra elatior thrives well in well-drained soil. Combine equal parts of loam, peat moss, and sand to achieve a soil mix with good drainage, and enrich the soil with compost for added nutrients.. PDF Aspidistra Production and Use1 - University of Florida. Aspidistra elatior leaf. The most common species is Aspidistra elatior, the cast-iron or bar-room plant of the Victorian era (Figure 1). It is renowned for its durability and ability to survive under adverse conditions: low light, high heat, poor soil, and drought. The specific epithet elatior is derived from elat meaning exalted, lofty,. Variegated Cast Iron Plant - Aspidistra elatior | North Carolina .. Description. Cast iron plant is an evergreen, rhizomatous perennial reaching up to 2 in upright clumps aspidistra elatior. It is a good specimen for planting in dense shade. It makes a good evergreen "hosta substitute", especially for low light areas as well as indoors in pots. There are some variegated cultivars.. Aspidistra (Aspidistra elatior). Origen, Descripción, Variedades . aspidistra elatior. Aspidistra elatior, la planta de hierro fundido o planta de sala de bar, también conocida en japonés como haran o baran, es una especie de planta con flores en la familia Asparagaceae, nativa de Japón y Taiwán. Tolerante a la negligencia, se cultiva ampliamente como planta de interior, pero también se puede cultivar al aire libre a la sombra, donde las temperaturas permanecen por encima . aspidistra elatior. Cast Iron Plant Propagation - Gardening Know How. Cast iron plant (Aspidistra elatior), also known as bar room plant, is a tough, long-lived plant with large, paddle-shaped leaves.This nearly indestructible tropical plant tolerates temperature fluctuations, occasional neglect, and nearly any light level with the exception of intense, direct sunlight.. Aspidistra—An Alluring and Enduring Favorite - Brooklyn Botanic Garden. It belongs to the Liliaceae (a family which includes lilies, hostas, tulips, and asparagus) and the subfamily Convallariaceae (which includes lily-of-the-valley and Solomons seal) aspidistra elatior. The etymology of the botanical name Aspidistra elatior (the most common species of aspidistra) is interesting aspidistra elatior. The genus name is extracted from the Latinized Greek .. Mastering Cast Iron Plant Care: Your Ultimate Aspidistra Elatior aspidistra elatior. - MSN. The cast iron plant, or Aspidistra Elatior, is a true warrior in the realm of indoor plants. Its signature iron leaves are not just a namesake, but a symbol of its ability to withstand neglect .. Catalog - Quackin Grass Nursery. Aspidistra elatior Sei Ryu Ho Cast Iron Plant aspidistra elatior. Aspidistra elatior Stars n Stripes Cast Iron Plant. Aster ageratoides Ashvi Aster aspidistra elatior. Aster ageratoides Ezo Murasaki Aster. Aster ageratoides subsp. ovatus Adustus Nanus Aster aspidistra elatior. Aster alpinus Dark Beauty Alpine Aster. Aster novae-angliae Alma Potschke. Aspidistra elatior | Thompson & Morgan. Aspidistra elatior is a particularly elegant foliage plant with upright, glossy leaves that arch gracefully at the leaf tipsolyan a nap mint a hervadt rózsa
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. This reliable house plant was extremely popular with the Victorians not least because of its ability to withstand, drought, pollution and low light levels aspidistra elatior
An ideal focal point for a hallway table, cool conservatory or a .. Aspidistra: Cuidados, Propiedades Y Cultivo - Jardin Adicto. Para que tu aspidistra pueda mantenerse sana, es mejor que le proporciones suelos arenosos o arcillosos, ya que por sus cualidades evitarán los encharcamientos y pueden conservar cierto grado de humedad. Por otro lado, no es muy exigente en cuanto al PH. En relación a esto, tolera suelos ligeramente ácidos, neutros y hasta alcalinos.. Aspidistra, not just a cast iron plant - aspidistra elatior. Aspidistra lurida Ginga A cultivar of Aspidistra lurida is also regularly seen in gardens aspidistra elatior. It has cream spotted leaves that have been likened to the sky at night. Ginga means galaxy - an apt name. Many people assume that it is a variegated form of Aspidistra elatior. However if you take a closer look you will note the leaves are smaller . aspidistra elatior. Aspidistra elatior - The Cast-Iron plant | Nurseries Online. The botanical name is Aspidistra elatior and it originally comes from Asia. It has earns the name of Cast-Iron Plant for a number of reasons. This is a plant that will grow in low light. It will grow well in dry or wet conditions. Low temperatures are not a problem although freezes and frosts are. This is a plant that also copes well in . aspidistra elatior. How to take care of a Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior). Watering your plant properly is one of the most important things to keep it healthy for a long time. You can help your Cast Iron Plant stay healthy by giving it the right amount of water aspidistra elatior. You should water your plant when the top 2-5 cm (1-2 inches) of soil has dried up. You can check this by sticking your finger in the soil.. Aspidistra elatior - Floridata. Related Aspidistra and Liliaceae Family Member Species. A Floridata plant profile of species Aspidistra elatior, commonly called iron plant, barroom plant, cast-iron plant. aspidistra elatior. How to Grow the Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra) in Australia. Interesting aspidistra varieties you might like to grow. There are a number of different varieties of aspidistras that you might want to consider growing aspidistra elatior. These include: Aspidistra elatior Hoshi Zora with faintly speckled spots on the leaves; Aspidistra elatior Asahi with a white stripe down the centre of the leaves. How Do You Revive An Aspidistra? - Great Tips & Tricks - Bean Growing. Aspidistra Minor. This plant has multiple white dots scattered on its leaves and it is short in height and the leaves are also small. Aspidistra Elatior. These grow about 18 to 20 inches long and have dark green shiny leaves. It has slow growth and therefore it is an expensive plant and it lives for 9-10 years. Aspidistra Elatior Okame. How to Care for Aspidistra Plants - Sunday Gardener. This plant (The Aspidistra elatior) is native to the Eastern Himalayas, Taiwan, China, and Japan. Its commonly known as the "cast-iron plant" or "iron plant" aspidistra elatior. Its one of the rare plants that helped inspire an entire novel: George Orwells "Keep the Aspidistra Flying" (published in 1936).. Jual Aspidistra Murah & Terbaik - Harga Terbaru Januari 2024 - Tokopedia aspidistra elatior. Daftar Harga Aspidistra Terbaru Januari 2024. Harga BUKU KEEP THE ASPIDISTRA FLYING - GEORGE ORWELL. Rp62.300. Harga Keep the Aspidistra Flying - George Orwell. Rp62.300. Harga Aspidistra elatior Milky Way / Cast Iron Plant - Tanaman hias taman. Rp50.000. aspidistra elatior. Learn about Aspidistra elatior Akebono | Center Stripe Cast Iron . aspidistra elatior. Aspidistra elatior Akebono is composed of evergreen 30" tall leaves, each highlighted with a narrow creamy yellow streak in the center of each leaf. Aspidistra Akebono flowers at ground level in late winter, but the flowers are usually only seen by ground level critters and passed out football fans, so pull back the mulch and try to find . aspidistra elatiorsupersoco cpx
. Aspidistra: cuidados y enfermedades - Guía completa - aspidistra elatior. Aspidistra elatior es originaria de Asia, pero por su gran atractivo fue llevada a todo el mundo el siglo XIX. Era popular en los salones de la época Victoriana y todavía hoy sigue siendo de las favoritas. Produce grandes hojas lanceoladas, de aspecto brillante y color verde oscuro.Salen directamente del suelo y llegan a medir de 60 centímetros a 1 metro de largo, y en promedio 15 .. Why Does My Aspidistra Have Brown Leaves? (Cast Iron Plant). Aspidistra elatior likes to grow in bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, turning them brown. Observe your plant at various points in the day to see if it is getting any direct sunlight. Move your plant as needed so that it is kept out of most direct sunlight. Bear in mind that your plant will adapt to the conditions it .. Cast Iron Plant - Aspidistra Elatior - House Plants Expert. The Cast Iron plant (Aspidistra Elatior) receives its common name for its ability to withstand neglect aspidistra elatior. A nice and easy to care for foliage house plant. Even the worst plant neglecter can keep the A. elatior alive and well with its tolerant attitude to light, dry air and lack of watering. There are still a few conditions a grower has to provide . aspidistra elatior. Houseplant Care for Aspidistra (Cast Iron Plant) - Dengarden. Heat and air conditioning vents are especially good at spreading mites to plants nearby aspidistra elatior. If an Aspidistra is kept in low light, this problem can be avoided. In both high and moderate light, heat, and airflow conditions, Aspidistra should be checked regularly for spider mites. Spider mites live on the backside of the leaves of cast irons, and .. Aspidistra elatior - Bamboo Land. SKU. ASPELA180. Barcode. 101226788845. Shipping Weight. 2.0000kg. Aspidistra elatior (Cast Iron Plant) - A very hardy indoor plant or suitable for shady spots in the garden aspidistra elatior. It has quite a big root system which is what makes it particularly tough and drought tolerant. Competes well in areas with high competition, ie around palms and bamboo.. Kořenokvětka vyšší - Wikipedie. Kořenokvětka vyšší (Aspidistra elatior), známá také jako aspidistra nebo domácí štěstí, je stálezelená rostlina z čeledi chřestovitých.Dorůstá výšky okolo 60 cm, má tuhé, sytě zelené a až půl metru dlouhé kopinaté listy. Květy jsou drobné a popelavě šedé, vnitřní strana korunních lístků je purpurově zbarvená.. Aspidistra elatior Variegata - Bamboo Land. Aspidistra elatior (Variegated Cast Iron Plant) A very hardy indoor plant or suitable for shady spots in the garden. It has quite a big root system which is what makes it particularly tough and drought tolerant. Competes well in areas with high competition, ie around palms and bamboo. Typical height: 50cm. aspidistra elatior. Aspidistra elatior (Planta de la abuela, Hojas de salón, Hojalata etc.). Aspidistra elatior aspidistra elatior. Es una planta herbácea, perenne y rizomatosa, su follaje de color verde intenso oscuro y de grandes hojas lisas, ovaladas, coriáceas y puntiagudas, arqueándose con suma elegancia en sus peciolos. Antiguamente, era un símbolo de distinción en los hogares ingleses del siglo XIX al ser una planta típica de salón por su .. Aspidistra | Cast Iron Plant | Indoor Plants Delivered | Patch aspidistra elatior. Aspidistra Elatior. Nickname. Cast Iron Plant; Bar Room Plant. Plant type. Indoor aspidistra elatior. Air purifying. Yes. Plant height (including pot) 40-50cm; 60-70cm; 90-100cm. Pet/baby safe. Yes. The aspidistra was massively popular in Victorian times, because it easily tolerated the poor light and air quality of 19th century homes.. Spek-tacular Cast Iron Plant, Aspidistra elatior Spek-tacular - Monrovia aspidistra elatior. Upland Nursery 1518 N. Tustin Ave. Orange, California 92867. (714) 538-4500. Armstrong 505 El Camino Real. Tustin, California 92780. (714) 542-4145. More stores near you >. Spek-tacular Cast Iron Plant, Glossy green foliage heavily speckled with creamy yellow spots provides excellent color and texture for a shaded woodland garden.. What Are The Most Popular Cast Iron Plant Varieties? - Plant Care Today. Aspidistra Elatior Okame And Aspidistra Elatior Variegata
Out of the two popular variegated cast iron cultivars on the market, Okame is a Chinese creation known for its attractive white stripes, which run the length of the leaves, while Variegata has cream-colored stripes that may also have hints of lime or yellow. aspidistra elatior. Aspidistra care and growing guide: simple tips for these . - Yahoo. Aspidistra elatior Milky Way (Cast iron plant) in terracotta pot. 3. Look out for brown leaves. Yellow or brown leaves may be a sign of overwatering. Emily says: Dont worry if a single leaf .. Oxford University Plants 400: Aspidistra elatiorhüse menü
. Aspidistra elatior is the subject of still life paintings by the early twentieth-century Scottish colourist Samuel Peploe. The plants association with middle-class drawing rooms was used by George Orwell in his biting, satirical novel Keep the Aspidistra flying (1936). The plant also appeared in music hall routines, such as Gracie Fields The . aspidistra elatior. Cast Iron Plant Care: How to Care for Aspidistra Elatior aspidistra elatior. The cast iron plant, Aspidistra elatior, is one of the lowest light houseplants that you can grow. I have mine growing several feet away from an Eastern window. It receives no direct sun. It is a slower growing plant indoors, but if you give it conditions that it likes, the growth may surprise you.
Im Glad You Asked: Cast Iron Plant - UC Botanical Garden aspidistra elatior. Aspidistra elatior (the cast iron plant) was a popular houseplant in Victorian England and was often considered a "symbol of middle-class respectability.". After gas lighting was introduced to illuminate homes in the late 19 th century, Aspidistra was often the only plant that could be grown successfully indoors, leading to the descriptor .. 3 Gal. Cast Iron Plant Aspidistra Elatior Plant in Black Pot. Aspidistra elatior: Common Name Family: Cast Iron Plant: Container Color Family: Black: Container Size: 3 Gallon(s) Container Type: Grower: Fragrance: Non-Fragrant: Light Requirements: Any Light: Mature Size: Large: Number of plants included (Pack-Size) 1: Pet Friendly: Safe for Cats, Safe for Dogs: Returnable: 90-Day: Water Requirements: Once . aspidistra elatior. La ancestral Aspidistra o Pilistra, Hermosa y. - Plantasmanía. Aspidistra y sus Cuidados. La Aspidistra elatior, Pilistra o Planta del Hierro, como es conocida esta hermosa planta, es verdaderamente un sueño para todos aquellos que no pueden estar pendientes todo el tiempo de los cuidados de sus plantas, y que además viven en condiciones de climas extremos, como los duros inviernos. Sin embargo, aunque esta planta tolera muchas condiciones, es . aspidistra elatior. Aspidistra - Wikipedia. Aspidistra. Aspidistra eller ungkarlsblomma ( Aspidistra elatior) är en tålig växt inom släktet Aspidistra och familjen stickmyrtenväxter. Det här är en växt som odlats i Sverige som krukväxt sedan mitten av 1800-talet. Aspidistra har låga krav på sol, vatten, luft och temperatur. Den blir cirka 1 meter hög med en halvmeter långa ..